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To get a password to access the PDF's of all the free content, make a £10+ donation using the PayPal link above. Send me an email then at [email protected] if you require a PDF password. You'll then receive access to all the PDF copies of the infograms - if you don't see a PDF of what you need, email me and I'll get it to you directly! This is to attempt to support the costs mentioned below. Don't forget, content is still free to view as Infographs on the resource page.
All donations are welcome to support the costs of the domain name, hosting company costs, hardware and software subscription costs used for infograph/graphic creation and development of this free-to-access project. It is my vision that people from all countries and specialties can benefit from free medical education in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine.
In the nature of transparency: Hosting costs + domain from (launch) March 2016 - March 2018 = £302 Software costs for infogram creation from (launch) March 2016 - March 2018 = £226
There are plenty of other costs including hardware, time-spent and editing software. Every little helps further the scope of this project and develop new and exciting material!
Should you have further questions about the donation process or how I operate the site, do not hesitate to contact me via twitter or email. This site uses Google Adsense for advertisements - this does not provide a great amount of revenue at all! Nevertheless, viewing or clicking on adverts appearing on the site will directly support running costs. We do not endorse any advertisements.